- As believers, one of our greatest challenges is not that we don’t understand that we are in a battle—it’s just that we don’t understand that we spend most of our energy fighting too low!
Let’s explain what we mean.
This scripture that we read from today is one that for years was the tag line on my emails. It also was a real example that most Christians don’t know the Bible because even in a secular work environment—only a couple of believers were able to identify the text as originating in the Bible. And I believe that by the time we finish today, it will become a favorite for many of you on the line as well!
Why was this particular email tagline so important? It was important because it gave me the perspective I needed to simply get through the day.
It helped me learn that:
- Everyday was a battle;
- And I needed to differentiate what or who I was battling!
Getting Deep
Let’s drill down some more.
Daily in life we are faced with so many challenging things. Some things are significant and require a great deal of energy; while others are things that really shouldn’t take that much effort to overcome. The difference between the two may be as great as dealing with someone who is throwing rocks at you versus someone shooting bullets—or, perhaps it may simply be a matter of perspective.
- To say it more plainly still: If my solution to everything is a hammer—then every problem looks like a nail—
- But the truth is that every problem is not a nail—and that to bring a hammer to the solve every problem may just be inappropriate.
Going Deeper
Let’s look at what the scripture says more plainly.
Jeremiah had just complained to the Lord, seeking an understanding on why the unrighteous seemed to have so much favor. Why were his enemies prospering when the righteous suffered so greatly? Jeremiah’s rant of concern and frustration was answered by the Lord beginning in verse five.
“If you have run with the footmen, and they have wearied you, Then how can you contend with horses? And if in the land of peace, In which you trusted, they wearied you, Then how will you do in the floodplain of the Jordan? Jeremiah 12:5 NKJV
This verse simply recognizes that in our daily lives we are called to handle so many things. That is, we are constantly bombarded with issues and problems which we must deal with.
- In this passage, let’s consider that the “the footmen—or foot soldiers” are the most common of the things that we wrestle with.
- Now, consider the most difficult things that we could ever face in this lifetime and consider things of that nature as the “horsemen.”
This verse instructs us that if we are frustrated now while are dealing with minor things, here referred to as the footmen, or the foot soldiers; then how are we going to be able to survive when things become more difficult.
That is, when the major things come along, or when the mounted soldiers, the cavalry begins to ride against us—how will we be able to handle things then—that’s when things were going to be really tough!
Case in point:
- How often have you found yourself becoming agitated over the little things in your life; stressing over every little thing?
- Think about how much needless energy we waste dealing with minor things that in truth—as Christians, should roll off our backs like water off of a duck!
The truth is that this scripture is a warning for Jeremiah to ready himself: because even harder, more difficult times were coming.
In fact, this scripture should remind us:
- That we need to prepare not for the difficult times that we see—but for the harder, and even more difficult times ahead that we don’t yet see.
Historical Perspective
The images of soldiers should paint a vivid picture in our mind as it compares our troubles to that of men in the face of an advancing army. In the Biblical times, during times of war, foot soldiers were often the first wave of an attack.
Even during the early parts of World War I, the most common tactic among the allied and enemy forces was to mount an assault against the enemy positions by first sending in the foot soldiers. The French believed that despite heavy losses—by rapidly sending in the foot soldiers, in wave after wave, that the overwhelming force would subdue or diminish any enemy.
On the other hand, mounted soldiers, the horsemen also known as the cavalry were long thought to be the main battle force for any military assault. After the foot soldiers had entrenched themselves and “softened” enemy targets—then the main assault force, the “horsemen” went forth.
The horsemen were often equipped with heavier, but rapidly moving assault weapons including bayonets, lances, and even chariot riders. Once those forces hit the enemy, the outcome of the battle was quickly decided.
Envision contending with such a force that was rapidly approaching you wave after wave and when you have exhausted all your strength—in came the horsemen—after you had completely wearied yourself contending with the foot soldiers!
- Men and women of God: one of the enemy’s greatest tactics is to flood your life with “foot soldier types of problems until you are too overwhelmed to contend with the greater horsemen problems that are ahead.”
- “The goal of the enemy is to make you too weak to fight—or simply cause you to quit the fight entirely!”
Now, let’s look at the practical and spiritual implications of what we deal with daily.
Practical Distractions
First recognize that the oncoming problems that we deal with are things that we must learn to handle—and then move on. We cannot allow them to rule us—or dictate our day, or our thoughts!
Based on our level of spiritual maturity, for some of us there are things that hit us in the morning—that we allow it to affect our whole day—even when it’s (really) not that big of a deal! Things like the kids leaving the dishes on the table; your husband leaving his clothes on the floor; your wife or husband forgetting to give you a kiss this morning…. These things may be problematic—but they are not the big things.
Even at work, the things that we see with as problematic are often fairly minor: someone speaks to us the wrong way; someone didn’t do their part of the project—even though you stayed up all weekend doing yours; or your supervisor “looks at you funny;” or here, you just feel in the blank_____________! These are things that if you are not careful, occupy your time; waste your energy—and distract you from the real work at hand.
In fact, that’s the main reason why I used this passage on my email as a constant reminded that I needed to remember that these minor matters were simply a “distraction” that were meant to occupy me mentally, physically and spiritually.
- Mentally distractions were things that were sent to occupy my thoughts, keeping me from being able to be foster creative and witty ideas to create greater success in business.
- Physical distractions are the things that were exhausting me; sucking up all my energy and keeping me busy—but not allowing me to gain an advantage and create greater wealth for me and my family.
- Spiritual distractions, were minor matters that kept me from walking in a manner that confirmed my victory in Christ—instead of leaving me feeling like the victim of every side-eye; every hushed comment; every victory someone else had.
Battle of the Mind
I have never fought in a war, but I have had my share of battles. Some were just the normal battles and then some really were life and death.
But the biggest battles that we face are the battles that occur in our mind. These are the battles where we wage war for decades until we learn that we don’t have to suffer anymore. That is, until we learn that we can declare the Word of God to encourage ourselves understanding that even when times are hard—we can make it!
In this, we must recognize the tactics of the enemy because he wants to first distract us so that the real work of the Kingdom is left undone. He throws wave after wave of distractions to cause us to stumble and doubt. His goal is to get you to move in your own understanding…with your “hammer” and not with the Word of God.
This is the way the World fixes problems, believing that they can do all things–without any traces of God. Trying to do God…without God! The world has stealthily moved to provide the message of God without God!
The battle that rages in our mind is one which we must confront directly to reclaim everything that we thought was lost, by declaring our worth in the Lord.
- We must meditate day and night on scriptures that edify us, such as “I am fearfully and wonderfully made!” (Psalms 139:14).
- We need to build up our strength from the inside out; from our mind into our spirit to be manifested in our flesh!
Spiritual Victory
I cannot remember the day when my thoughts shifted, but they did.
- First I decided to no longer spend time and energy focusing on minor problems.
- Do you realize how many minor problems go away when you don’t give them any value?
- Soon, I was beginning to walk in my strengths, as my perceived problems began to seem less important and I had time to work on my success.
- With each new success, I was fighting the fight! With each new victory, I was building my faith!
- Now, I can see the real battles ahead and I am no longer wearied by minor skirmishes, knowing that in Christ, I have already won. In Christ—I am already victorious.
- But my greatest victory is that when the real battle comes, when the “horsemen” are bearing down on me, I am not facing them alone; I am not facing them in my strength! I am also not caught unaware, because God has spoken in His Word that greater battles would be fought.
- So I labor in the Lord as I continue to shore up my defenses with the Word of God and the power of his Spirit. My faith is increasing; my knowledge of the Word is increasing; my authority in Christ is increasing and I stand ready to contend with the horsemen!
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