Introduction: I Am…A Super Hero
I have to tell the truth today about me—it is something that I have hidden from most people. My family knows because I told them years ago. But the Lord has led me to share that information with you today. Here goes, pray for me now—here it is: “I am a super-hero.”
There, I said it…! Now it is out there—and so, if you didn’t know: Clark Kent is Superman; Bruce Wayne is Batman; Barry Allen is the Flash. So we are all out there together now. Okay, I haven’t lost my mind—but I have been a superhero ever since I was young. From the moment my father pinned that first bath towel around my neck, I knew that I was different.
The Qualifications of a Superhero
In fact, here’s how I know I am a superhero: I have an “Origin Story!” What’s an Origin Story you ask? It is the story that tells how I acquired my super-abilities. No, I wasn’t bitten by a radioactive spider: that’s Peter Parker aka Spider Man. I also wasn’t dosed with incredible amounts of gamma rays like the Hulk—and no, am I a not mutant, like the X-Men. But I am a superhero.
In fact, after growing up as a comic book fanatic, my brother and I became well versed in the makings of a superhero. And here are, in my estimation, the core qualifications of being a superhero:
- A Superhero has an origin story. It is an origin story encompasses how you received your power; and usually includes some of the most tragic or difficult times of your life! Many times even those in your family don’t share your origin story! For some, even though you were born in the same house—your story is unique!
- A Superhero’s story is the secret to their strength! Your origin story reveals the truth of how you received your strength! It is your testimony that keeps you!
- A Superhero is a survivor. That is, even though trauma came against you—you survived of an often difficult or even tragic past.
- A Superhero is an over-comer! What would have killed others—just made you stronger! You didn’t just survive—you thrived!
- A Superhero has a secret identity—for some, one that is only seen on Sundays and Wednesdays that God wants to be revealed to the World!
- A Superhero uses their powers for good (God).
My Origin Story
My origin story is borne of a traumatic chapter of my life. Where was my trauma? It was in Kansas City in my youth; and it was crucial in me being who I am today. Thankfully, no one died in my trauma—but surely the goal was to destroy my spirit! But still, this traumatic times taught me to smile in the face of extreme duress; to hope when things are hopeless; and even though at times I was both accident prone and sickly…to still find joy in the midst of sorrow.
That includes the time I was rushed to the hospital after a two story fall to pavement—the doctors declared that I must be superman! And for years, those same doctors and personnel in the hospital would refer to me as superman whenever they saw me!
That coupled with my own belief that my strength came from the bottle of iron pills that I ingested at the age of two—sure, they pumped my stomach—but perhaps it was too late, I was already transformed into my true self: a superhero! All this would certainly come in handy later in life…where I would need to call on my super strength just to survive!
The truth was, that I didn’t know that it was the Lord who kept me even then! He had a plan for me…but I knew that He made me special—super in His own way…!
The Lord preserved me—and He shielded me from attempts to destroy my sense of self; He preserved me from being physically harmed—and He kept me even in when they poured glue down my throat—God preserved me, and I owed it all to my superpowers, endowed by the Lord God! That’s… my origin story.
Post-Origin Story
For years I didn’t want to accept the abilities that I have. I wanted to stay in the moment of pain—but God never allowed to stay there! I wanted to not care about me—to hide in the crowd—but God had a different plan. I even wanted to hold on to the anger from all those people who did me wrong…even family—but, not my call. No, I can’t say that I stood necessarily for “truth, justice and the American way,” but at least…God provide both the will and the way to show me that I was still standing.
And here is what else the Lord showed me just recently: is that many times your origin story is different than your sisters and brothers that were raised in the same home as you—just because of when you were born! In fact, the Lord showed me that some of you are in bondage to your families right now because you don’t think they know that you have changed—you have grown…you keep trying to tell them! God said, “Stop talking it out…and start walking it out!” Let your fruit bear witness of your superpowers!
Recently in a conversation with my brother, he shared how he had often resented the fact that it seemed like I always got everything that I wanted—that seemingly everything I touched was turned to gold! But now, he finally realizes just how hard I have had to work for everything that I have ever achieved!
The full truth is that everything that I achieved has always been because of the place of God in my life—and my labors before Him. That it wasn’t by my might—or my strength—but it was by the Spirit of the Lord!
Let me say this (excuse my double negative): “Don’t not move for the Lord simply because you are waiting to get your family to accept what God has done in your life!” Allow your moving to be the result and the demonstration of the deeper conversation that you had with your Father in Heaven—and He will, in due season, reveal all that needs to be revealed!
My True Source of Power
I told you my truth—but I need to tell you the source of my power. My power came from an early belief that no matter what—God loved me. Even though I was getting humiliated, punched and kicked in school, God allowed me to stand. You know what I stood on? The Word of God, John 3:16 “That God so loved the World that He gave His Only Begotten Son that Who-so-ever believed on Him shall not perish—but have everlasting life!” My power? Knowing that even though people would come against me, I knew that I would not perish!
Oh sure, that doesn’t sound like a big deal—but you weren’t there the day that was like every other day; when they (my bullies) pulled me into the bathroom and turned the lights out and began to punch me…but on this day–something was different! While I could hear the sound of them punching—nothing physically made contact with me. That was the day the Lord really showed me my super power, the origin of that power was in Psalms 91:7:
A thousand may fall at your side, And ten thousand at your right hand; But it shall not come near you.
And of course believing the Word in teaching as to not strike back—even when my own body was being bruised.
Let them turn the other cheek to those who strike them and accept the insults of their enemies. Lamentations 3:30 NLT
And then, miraculously the Lord delivered me out of that situation—and even though it was through a sickness that nearly claimed my life–it was a way of escape! More than that–my sickness became my deliverance allowing me to keep my mind intact. That is, that which could have destroyed me in the flesh and spirit no longer had access to either. I ended up missing the rest of the school year, but that was because the Lord was dealing with me—healing me; protecting me!
Superheroes are Survivors and Over-comers!
I never understood why the Lord allowed me to live. Not through the bullying; not through the sickness; not through all the other confusion in my life—but God uses the World’s mess to bless!
I love it in the message Bible pertaining my thoughts versus the Lord God’s:
“For as the sky soars high above earth, so the way I work surpasses the way you work, and the way I think is beyond the way you think. Isaiah 55:9 The Message
I thank God that He thinks so far beyond my thinking… that when He says yes…His supernatural “yes” surpasses my fleshly “nos…!” Where I see weakness—He sees strength; where I see doubt—He sees conviction! Where I could only see myself in defeat—come on now, God sees—say it with me “Victory!”
That’s my story; and that is the story of so many of us in the Kingdom of God. If you didn’t have to struggle to get what you have gotten—I don’t think less of you! Because God doesn’t think less of you! Praise the Lord! But if you have had to struggle and had to survive first before you could even think about thriving, then this Word and my prayers are targeted for you! Especially if you are still in the struggle!
Superheroes have Secret Identities
For a superhero, there is one last area that is perhaps one of our greatest capabilities—that we can operate in secret! With a secret identity, we begin our work in secret—hidden from those who would destroy us—and those we love. Cloaked in mystery we are able to perform our heroics out of the sight of those who would work to shut us down!
Long before I was able to stand before you and declare that “I am a Superhero,” I was preparing. I spent time before the Source of my Strength; I studied; I lingered in His presence; as His strength became real to me, I became more daring—testing the limits of my faith in my source. That’s when I discovered there were no limits in Him—the only limits were in me.
Operating in secret allowed me to move freely among those who needed help most. Sure, some have great platforms—but mine has been more subtle, through words both written and spoken—often one on one. There the acts of greatest are accomplished…and when those seek to praise me for the great acts of heroism—I simply point them back to One who is greater than I.
And even now, as I have been emboldened to tell you today, I am ready to reveal to the World who I really am. In fact, there are many of us who have operated in secret that are being called to new levels of service. The time to operate in secret is over! The time to operate as a minister of the Gospel is now!
We are clearly in a world that is desperate; a World that is dying—while we still have hope! The World needs you to reveal who you are…not just being preachy…but demonstrate the love of God and not the judgment of God. Let God judge—but let us be faithful with our walk. Remember the source of your strength!
We Are All Superheroes!
See I am a superhero—and I am not alone. So many of you on the call today are Superheroes as well. You have been abused; misused; lied upon; cheated; humiliated; beaten; abandoned; and even left for dead! You could have fallen over by now…but you haven’t. You could have quit—given up: but you haven’t!
When others hear of how you have been able to make it this far—you also smile through your pain—because you know your origin story! You know the source of your strength! You have such an unwavering belief on who you are—because God told you who you are! And in spite of everything that assaults your mind; your body; and your spirit…you just needed to know that you too—are a superhero!
Today, I am calling out all of you superheroes out! I am calling forth the “Legion of Super Heroes for Christ!” Together, we are more than those who would come against us!
No more hiding in the shadows: stand forth and show the world who you are through Christ! The ability to pray—for hours if necessary; the ability to intercede for others even when you have need of prayer yourself! Your strength and abilities are not natural—they are not of this world, they exceed those things that are natural—they are super!
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